Galerie Wedding

Artist Walk: Den Kilimanjaro hinabsteigen

Den Kilimanjaro hinabsteigen: Koloniale Trümmer & Erinnerungen im Wedding
Artist Walk mit Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro

11.09.2016 ab 13 Uhr, Dauer ca. 3 Stunden
in englischer Sprache, max. 15 Personen, Anmeldungen bis 07.09.2016 an

»We always believed that testimonies should come from the dead, but what about the living? are their testimonies not part of forming visible monuments? Are our voices signs of cannibalist processions of the fauna we are ingesting into our bodies? How do we apply these memories of sounds as testimonies of a changing neighbourhood? what do these sounds reveal about our diversity and immigration? Last Barometz collection form a station of live feeds collecting the diversity of the elastic histories tied to colonial debris for over a century. They form part of an uprooted plantation whose debris is an archival memory of digital sounds performed as a radio station. they are urban myths of all the histories they have collected becoming fractal seeds splitting into different embryos. for every time these plants would get uprooted, the plants would regrow by mixed pollination and human alterations.« (Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro)

Der Artist Walk findet im Rahmen der KGB-Kunstwoche statt,
vom 09. – 18. September 2016, eine Aktionswoche der Kommunalen Galerien in Berlin zur Berlin Art Week 2016.

Foto: Performance by Nathalie Anguezomo Mba Bikoro. Foto: Joe Kniesek, 2016

Lucinda Dayhew’s Practice Room


12.08.2016 bis 24.09.2016

Programm Vacancies!

während der Ausstellung

Artist Talk

Fadi al-Hamwi & Funda Özgünaydin


KGB-Kunstwoche –

Kuratorische Führung & Sonderöffnungszeiten


We do the rest!

Workshop von Andrés Galeano

02.09.2016 bis 04.09.2016

It`s time to eat flowers!

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Cleaning ROTA Performance

von Dominique Baron-Bonarjee


Galerie Wedding