Talk_about_Dreams Symposium presented in collab with the AoN_Platform for Art and Neuroscience framed by Live Performance No.2 »Phobetor« by Driftmachine
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At the Edge of Consciousness. Sightseeing in the Realm of Dreams
A symposium in collaboration with the AoN_Platform for Art and Neuroscience, framed by Live Performance No.2 »Phobetor« by Driftmachine
Within the context of the exhibition The Name of Shades of Paranoia, Called Different Forms of Silence by Viron Erol Vert, curated by Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung and Solvej Helweg Ovesen within the frame of UP (Unsustainable Privileges)
The symposium will be held in English and will give the audience the chance to explore the science and culture of dreams from different disciplinary perspectives and to engage with leading scientists in the field. It is presented as a collaboration between Galerie Wedding and AoN_Platform for Art and Neuroscience represented by Dr. Elena Agudio (AoN; SAVVY Contemporary) and Dr. Joerg Fingerhut (Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; AoN).The participating scientists come from different fields of sleep / dream / cultural research and will give short presentations related to their work. Dr. Agudio and Dr. Fingerhut will lead through the event and interrelate between the dream topic of the symposium and the Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikungs curatorial concept of the »Dreamatory« exhibition by Viron Erol Vert.
Dr. Elena Agudio is the artistic director of the »Association of Neuroesthetics« (AoN), a platform for Neuroscience and Art, promoting projects, interdisciplinary research and knowledge exchange between art and cognitive sciences, in collaboration with the Medical University of Charité and The School of Mind and Brain of the Humboldt University. She is also artistic co-director at SAVVY Contemporary.
Dr. Joerg Fingerhut is the scientific director of the Berlin based »Association of Neuroesthetics« (AoN_a platform for Neuroscience and Art). He is postdoctoral researcher at the Berlin School of Mind & Brain (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) where he works on the role cultural artifacts (like architecture, film, pictures) play for the kinds of minds we are.He also conducts experiments on our evaluation of art an the role the emotion of wonder plays therein.
Dr. med. Pascal Grosse is head of Neurologische Schlafmedizin (Neurological Sleep Medicine) of the Clinic for Experimental Medicine, Medical University of Charité and has explored both the neural underpinnings and psychology of sleep and dreaming as well as the history and culture of dreams. His presentation is titled »Iconographic Representations of Dream Spaces – Past and Present«.
Dr. Holger Brohm teaches »Kulturen des Traumes« at the department of Cultural Science Aesthetics, Institute for Cultural Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Amna Ghani is a PhD student in Computational Neuroscience at the Charité – University Medicine Berlin. She holds an MSc in Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience from Goldsmiths, University of London. In her PhD, she explores the individuality of music emotion processing by using the large-scale brain network modelling. Her other research interests include creative problem solving, brain computer interfaces and cognitive training. She is also a member of doctoral program of Berlin School of Mind and Brain and Machine Learning Group, Technical University of Berlin.
The Symposium starts at 7 pm and is framed by the second concert in the Oneiro Trilogy by Driftmachine – Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.2 »Phobetor«. The Driftmachine concert will begin at 6 pm and resume after the talk until approximatley 10 pm.
At the Edge of Consciousness. Sightseeing in the Realm of Dreams
Ein Symposium in Kollaboration mit AoN_Platform for Art and Neuroscience, umrahmt von Live Performance No.2 »Phobetor« von Driftmachine.
Im Kontext der Ausstellung The Name of Shades of Paranoia, Called Different Forms of Silence von Viron Erol Vert, kuratiert von Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung und Solvej Helweg Ovesen im Rahmen von UP (Unsustainable Privileges)
Die Gesprächsrunde findet in englischer Sprache statt und widmet sich natur- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen zur Funktion und Rolle des Träumens in Kunst und Gesellschaft. Sie eröffnet dem Publikum die Möglichkeit, die Wissenschaft und Kultur des Träumens aus unterschiedlichen disziplinären Perspektiven zu betrachten und mit führenden Wissenschaftlern dieses Feldes in Austausch zu treten. Das Talk_about_Dreams Symposium wird präsentiert als Kollaboration zwischen der Galerie Wedding und der AoN_Platform for Art and Neuroscience, vertreten durch Dr. Elena Agudio (AoN; SAVVY Contemporary e.V.) und Dr. Joerg Fingerhut (Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; AoN).
Die eingeladenen Redner*innen sind renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem Bereich der Schlaf- und Traumforschung, darunter Dr. med. Pascal Grosse, Leiter der Neurologischen Schlafmedizin der Klinik für Experimentelle Medizin, Universitätsmedizin Charité und Dr. Holger Brohm, der im Fachbereich der Kulturwissenschaftlichen Ästhetik am Institut für Kulturwissenschaft der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin das Seminar »Kulturen des Traumes« unterrichtet und Amna Ghani, Doktorandin im Fach Computational Neuroscience an der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Dr. Agudio und Dr. Fingerhut werden durch die Veranstaltung führen und dabei auch den Bezug zwischen Symposium und Dr. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikungs kuratorischem Konzept der »Dreamatory« Ausstellung von Viron Erol Vert herstellen.
Das Symposium beginnt am Freitag, den 03.03. um 19 Uhr. Es wird musikalisch umrahmt vom zweiten Konzert in der Oneiro Trilogie von Driftmachine – Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.2 »Phobetor«. Das Driftmachine Konzert beginnt um 18 Uhr und wird im Anschluss an die Gesprächsrunde bis etwa 22 Uhr fortgesetzt.
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa, der Spartenübergreifenden Förderung und des Ausstellungsfonds für Kommunale Galerien
Driftmachine. Andreas Gerth und Florian Zimmer.
Foto: Misha Shkurat

Driftmachine are a Berlin-based duo comprised of Andreas Gerth (Tied & Tickled Trio) and Florian Zimmer (Saroos). Within the frame of Viron Erol Vert’s exhibition they are playing three different live shows in total at Galerie Wedding – the so called Oneiro Trilogy. In Viron Erol Vert’s installation that the artist calls »Dreamatory« the soundscapes created by Driftmachine will function as a psychoactive, dream-inducing stimulant of sorts, referring to the mythological dream goods Morpheus, Phobetor and Phantasos. Driftmachine’s first show, Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.1 »Morpheus«, was played at the exhibition opening on February 9. The second concert by Driftmachine — Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.2 »Phobetor«— will be framing the artist talk »Talk_about_Dreams« on March 3, at 6pm and until approximately 10 pm. The last concert of the Oneiro Trilogy Live Performance No.3 »Phantasos« will accompany a Live Drawing Performance by Viron Erol Vert and will begin in the late afternoon of March 23, at 5 pm.