It`s time to eat flowers!
It`s time to eat flowers! Workshop with Marisa Benjamim
In English, max. 15 participants
registration until September 7 only at
Location: Galerie Wedding and places nearby
Der Workshop in Berlin lebenden portugiesischen Künstlerin Marisa Benjamim kombiniert Aspekte von Biologie, Kochen und Natur. In Benjamim`s Kitchen, welches sowohl botanischer Garten als auch Nahrungslabor darstellt, wird anhand von Intuition und einfachen Zutaten, wie Früchten, eßbaren Blättern und Blüten, eine neue Art des organischen Kochens – mit anschließender Verköstigung – vermittelt.
Der Workshop findet im Rahmen der KGB-Kunstwoche statt,
vom 09. – 18. September 2016, eine Aktionswoche der Kommunalen Galerien in Berlin zur Berlin Art Week 2016.
It`s time to eat flowers! Workshop PDF : Workshop It’s time to eat flowers by Marisa Benjamim
This workshop combines aspects of biology, cooking and nature to build up a new concept of botanical garden and nutrition laboratory.
The workshop has 3 moments:
1 – Collecting – Serves to illustrate just how limited is the range of herbs and foods we consume in our modern Western diet, specially in the supermarkets.
2 – Preparation – Each part of vegetable; flower, roots or leaves are adapted into a new unique and small shape The composition is inspired by Benjamim’s recipes (her previous research ) where colors, shapes and smell are reorganized by size, color and way of fallowing, in a simple way that preserve and respect each part of the elements.
3 – Degustation – Throughout time and in every culture, human beings have eaten together. Commensality – eating and drinking at the same table – is a fundamental social activity, which creates and cements relationships.
The Workshop is part of Benjamim’s Kitchen. Marisa Benjamim expands the exhibition space of Galerie Wedding by turning the usually restricted back room/the gallery kitchen into Benjamim’s Kitchen – a spatial installation that is a garden, a site of memory and a petal laboratory. Her longterm exploration and artistic interest in falling leaves (in drawings) and edible flowers and petals (in performances), her history, its depiction and use as well as the kitchen as a social space represent the focus of the artist’s work. The architecture of the gallery is reminiscent of a greenhouse and offers a suitable temporary home for her plants. Their culinary preparation is an important part of Bemjamim’s artistic practice.
Fotos: Andrés Galeano
Workshop by Marisa Benjamim Edible Herbarium. Foto: Andrés Galeano 2016
Floristaurant von Marisa Benjamim. Foto: Andrés Galeano, 2016