Galerie Wedding

»Memories from the War«

Talk & Screening with Le Brothers (Le Ngoc Thanh & Le Duc Hai)
21.06.2016 um 19 Uhr
kuratiert von Nathalie Mba Bikoro

in Kooperation mit Savvy Contemporary Gallery Berlin e.V.

LE BROTHERS (Le Ngoc Thanh & Le Duc Hai)

Geboren 1975, Bình Trị Thiên, Vietnam, leben und arbeiten in Hue City, Vietnam


Le Brothers are twin brothers who are forging a truly remarkable art career. Their unique approach to history, identity and the interpretation of the past in the present produces works that accelerate our understanding of unforgettable events which are presented as refined and dignified accounts that invite the viewer’s reflection, realization and a deeper respect for culture and custom.

Their practice explores an aesthetic where their art can for example, examine, dissect and question the post-war consciousness of North and South Vietnam.


Le Brothers (b. 1975, Bình Trị Thiên, Vietnam) are twin brothers whose work dissect and question the post-war consciousness of North and South Vietnam. The »Other Side Project« solo videos in HDLU museum, Zacrep – Croatia (2015). »Secret Archipelago« in  Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2015). Do Disturb Contemporary arts festival in Palais De Tokyo, Paris (2015). »Budi Daya« video art  »Into The Sea« in Malay Heritage – Singapore. »Red project« 2014 and »The glimmer that we see / Vietnam« in Taipei, Taiwan 2014. Selected for Singapore Biennale 2013, selected projects include »The Bridge II«, performance at DMZ Gang Hwa, Korea (2012), »Before ‘86«, Cheongju Complex Cultural Center, Korea (2012) and »Communicate with me«, Saigon Open City, Vietnam (2006), »Window to Asian« Vietnam (2001).






Le Brothers

Le Ngoc Thanh

Le Duc Hai

Galerie Wedding